Operative removal of a slice of normal, non-scarred left ventricular muscle is called partial ventriculectomy. The operation was developed by Dr. Randas J. Batista in Brazil. The goal is to improve the function of a dilated left ventricle by reducing the chamber dimensions and remodeling the spherical ventricle to a more efficient cylindrical shape. It is hoped that this operation may provide an alternative to cardiac transplantation.
Preoperative transesophageal image showing severe left ventricular dilatation. There was diffuse hypokinesis with some contractility in the lateral wall.
Postoperative transesophageal image showing the resulting decrease in left ventricular internal dimensions.
YouTube Video of the Batista Procedure.
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The contents and links on this page were last checked on January 14, 2013
by Dr. Olga Shindler.