Heart Murmur Eponyms
Austin Flint - low pitch rumbling, mid to late diastolic heard best
at the apex in aortic insufficiency.
Cole Cecil - early diastolic aortic insufficiency murmur conducted
to the apex and left axilla.
Physical Findings in Chronic Severe
Aortic Insufficiency
Bisferiens pulse: double systolic arterial impulse.
Corrigan's pulse: prominent pulsations of the carotid arteries.
De Musset's sign: head nodding with each heart beat.
Duroziez's sign: systolic and diastolic femoral artery bruit.
Hill's sign: accentuated leg systolic pressure with greater than
40 mm Hg difference from the brachial artery systolic pressure.
Muller's sign: pulsation of the uvula with each heart beat.
Palmar click: palpable systolic flushing of the palms.
Quincke's pulse: cyclic reddening and blanching of nail capillaries.
Traube's sign: loud "pistol shot" sound heard over the femoral artery.
Water hammer pulse: brisk femoral pulsation similar that felt with
a water hammer - a Victorian toy. The water hammer was a glass tube
filled partly with water or mercury in a vacuum. The water or mercury
produced a slapping impact when the glass tube was turned over.
Literature review.
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The contents and links on this page were last verified on
March 20, 2003.